The First Run of “Digital Accessibility” in Numbers

Our MOOC “Digital Accessibility: Enabling Participation in the Information Society” ran on FutureLearn from 17 October till 20 November. At the official end of the course (20 November), the MOOC had 2,912 sign-ups, 1,633 of which were active learners (these are participants who have actually done something in the course, such as watching the video in the first step of the course). With 56.1% active learners, we were above the average for FutureLearn courses. 490 (or 30%) of all learners were “social learners”, i.e. participants who had written at least one comment. (In FutureLearn courses, each “step” in the course has a discussion area.) Social learners wrote 6 to 7 posts each week, which is also above average. All of these numbers are higher than what the project had hoped for.

Registration was open until 27 November and we eventually reached 2,971 sign-ups, 1,670 of which were active course participants. Together, the course participants posted 8,199 comments. The number of posts is still rising, since many learners are still working through the course. Several participants also tweeted about the course; you can find the tweets using the hashtag #FLaccessibility.

Those who missed the opportunity to sign up for the MOOC will get a new opportunity in 2017: the second run of the course is scheduled to start on 6 February 2017. Registration is already open. The link to the course has not changed: