This page lists all the Open Educational Resources (OERs) that were created for the further course User-Centered Design for Accessibility, which was created by the Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus/Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences.
These OERs are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC-BY 4.0). Simply put, this licence allows you to share, adapt and redistribute the content of the OERs, provided that you correctly attribute the original creators of these resources (Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus/Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences). If you are not familiar with this licence, please read it before reusing these OERs.
The entire content of the course is stored as a set of OERs in a Google Drive folder, except for the videos, which can be downloaded from a dedicated channel on Vimeo. Below is a breakdown of all the OERs.
Module 1: Introducing UCD for Accessibility
- Introducing User-Centered Design (Microsoft Word document containing links to the YouTube video and the captions file), video on Vimeo, captions in VTT format.
- UCD is important for accessibility (Microsoft Word document), video on Vimeo, captions in VTT format.
- UCD process, activities and principles (Microsoft Word document).
- Reading on UCD for accessibility – Background (Microsoft Word document).
- Quiz on UCD for accessibility (Microsoft Word document).
Module: Methods in Using UCD for Accessibility
- Introducing Methods in Using UCD for Accessibility (Microsoft Word document).
- Data collection methods (Microsoft Word document).
- Recruiting users (Microsoft Word document).
- Communicating with users (Microsoft Word document), video on Vimeo, captions in VTT format.
- Rewards (Microsoft Word document), video on Vimeo, captions in VTT format.
- Reading on UCD for accessibility – Focus group (Microsoft Word document).
Module: Demonstrating User Testing for Accessibility
- Planning (Microsoft Word document).
- Recruiting participants (Microsoft Word document).
- Summary of testing accessibility with users (Microsoft Word document).
- Background for the case (short Microsoft Word document).
- Reading on UCD for accessibility – User testing (Microsoft Word document).
- Summary of testing accessibility with users (Microsoft Word document).
Module: Addressing Challenges in Using UCD for Accessibility
- Challenges in using UCD for accessibility (Microsoft Word document).
- Getting your team onboard (Microsoft Word document containing links to the YouTube video and the captions file), video on Vimeo, captions in VTT format.
- Addressing challenges in Using UCD for accessibility (Microsoft Word document), video on Vimeo, captions in VTT format.
- Addressing challenges in using UCD for accessibility – an example (Microsoft Word document), video on Vimeo,captions in VTT format.
- Example of using UCD for accessibility (Microsoft Word document).
- Reading on UCD for accessibility – Design (Microsoft Word document).
- Quiz on Challenges in using UCD for accessibility (Microsoft Word document).
Module 5: Summary
- Summary of UCD for accessibility (Microsoft Word document containing links to the YouTube video and the captions file), video on Vimeo, captions in VTT format.
- Suggestions to students and developers (Microsoft Word document containing links to the YouTube video and the captions file), video on Vimeo, captions in VTT format.